
Introduction to Numerical Methods with Fortran

Quick Info

This class will provide in-depth knowledge of Fortran programming and will introduce you to floating point computations and with some basic numerical methods. You need to have taken Calculus and Linear Algebra; we will develop programming knowledge as we go along. We shall use the following textbooks:

If you have questions, come and see me in 226C Fisher during office hours. If you cannot make it, please send me e-mail to arrange for a mutually aggreeable time.

For detailed information please consult the syllabus.

The final exam is Tuesday, 7:30 PM, Fisher 130.

Lecture Notes

The lecture Notes Introduction to Fortran 95 and Numerical Methods are available for individual study, but cannot be distributed without author's consent.

Older individual lectures (PDF format) can be selected below:

Grades - up to date

If you think there is a misprint in the grade report, or that you deserved more, please come and see me.

Fortran Web Resources

I encourage you to check out some Fortran-related web pages. They contain news, documentation, free software, etc.

Numerical Software Resources

Additional Material

asandu@mtu.edu (Adrian Sandu)